
Winter Sonata Script from KBS TV / スクリプト 冬のソナタ 韓国KBS TV [ 8 ]

Winter Sonata Script from KBS TV / スクリプト 冬のソナタ 韓国KBS TV [ 8 ]
Kim Eun-Hee & Yoon Eun-Kyung : Script Writer
Scene 13 - 14





私の初恋... サラ・ティーズデール:

ユジンさん... ひとつ聞きたいことがあるのですが、答えてくれますか?答えたくなかったら答えなくても構いません。他意ははありませんから心配しないで下さい。
いえ。ミニョンさんはミニョンさんとして、そしてチュンサンはチュンサンとして... 私は二人とも愛していました。  



ユジンさん 、僕は今頃、飛行機の中でしょう。このプレゼントはあなたにとって重荷になるかも知れませんが、このままではお別れできないのです。チュンサンみたいにテープに録音してあげられませんが、どうしてもこれをあげたかったのです。幸せになって下さい。*1



再会 :【2/3】 <ユジン>
チュンサン。私、こうして声*3に出して名前*4を呼ぶのが望み*5だったの。だけどもし呼んでも返事*6がなかったら本当にあなたが死んでしまったみたいで、私、あなたが死んだとは信じたくなかった。そんなはずないのに... 私と会う約束してたのに... あなたが約束破るはずないのに...
思い出せませんか?私と会う約束してたのに、覚えていないのですか?何も思い出せませないの。何も... 私、手袋も貸してあげたのに... ピンクのミトン...12月31日に返してもらうことになっていたのに ... 何一つ思い出せないの?何も?じゃ、私にピアノを弾いてくれたことも覚えてないのね?授業をさぼって自転車に乗ったことも... 手をつないでくれたことも... ミニョンさんはちっとも悪くありません。みんなジュンサンが悪いのよ。あなたが記憶をなくしたことも、みんなチュンサンのせいよ。生きていながら、私のことみんな忘れるなんて... 私は何一つ忘れてないのに...みんな覚えているのに...  

ミニョンの置き手紙【1/4】:「ユジン、僕は昔ユジンさんをそう呼んでいたのだろうか。ユジン、ユジン... でも僕は何も思い出せない。ユジンさんがあれほど会いたかったカン・ジュンサンは僕でありながら僕ではありません。一緒にいた思い出がなければ、僕がカン・チュンサンであっても、それはただの名前に過ぎないからです。ごめんなさい。僕の失ってしまった過去の中にあなたがいてくれたことに..感謝します。*7 心から...


二度の交通事故:【1/5】<チェリン> どうしてこうなったの?ユジン、あなたと一緒にいて事故に遭ったのでしょう?そうでしょ?そうなのね?
<ユジン>そうよ。うれしいわ。チュンサンが怪我をして...私を助けようとしてこんなことになって本当にうれしいわ。私なんてバカだったんでしょう。彼がチュンサンだったことに気付かないで、やさしくしてあげることもしなかったし、傷つけてしまったんだから... こんな風にチュンサンを取り戻してうれしいわ。こう言ったらあなたは満足なの。これで満足でしょう?


サンヒョクのことを考えると申し訳なくて胸が痛むわ。でもお母さん、彼は私の運命の人なの。同じ*9人に二度も愛したの。彼は、今私のせいでああやって寝ているの。もしものことがあれば、私はあの人を二度も死なせることになるのよ。今は彼の命が助かること以外は、何も考えられない。私を愛してくれなくてもいいの。何も覚えてなくていいの。ただ生きていてさえいてくれれば....お母さん、罰*10 が当たるって言ったわね?私、その罰を喜んで受けるわ。


Scene-13: Recollections

I'm Jun-sang:【-2/0】
We need to talk.

Why are you doing this? Let go of me. What's the matter with you? Why are you doing this? I have to get back. My friends are waiting ... What's wrong with you? Why are you acting so unlike you?

What's like me? What's like Min-hyung?
... Who am I? Tell me, Yoo-jin. Who am I? Yoo-jin, I'm Jun-sang. I'm Jun-sang whom you couldn't forget.

Min-hyung, you shouldn't do this. You shouldn't make fun of people like this ... Let me go. It doesn't change anything.

Difference from Jun-sang:
I'll tell you how different you are from Jun-sang. I want to tell you why you can't be Jun-sang. Jun-sang didn't say my name like that ... He didn't force his emotions on others like this. He wasn't good at handling relationships with others, but he never hurt anyone using other people's wound. He ... couldn't even say he liked me. Shall I tell you more? You always look confident, but Jun-sang was a little drawn back. Your walk is so brisk and upright, but Jun-sang ... looked somewhat nervous and insecure. You've got such a bright smile, but Jun-sang couldn't even smile often. You want to know to more? Do you want to listen? Min-hyung, you are not Jun-sang ... you're someone else.
And now even if Jun-sang comes back ... I can't leave Sang-hyuk. I ... chose Sang-hyuk. You also sent me back to Sang-hyuk. Please let me go ... This is it.

My first love ... by Sarah Teesdale:
"Look back with longing and find me walking after you.
Help me to my feet with your love.
Like a breeze lifting a swallow.
Rain or shine, let us fly far away ...
But what should I do if my first love calls me back? "

Insincere wedding dress:【1/1】
Looks good on you. Yoo-jin ... I want to ask you something, will you answer it? You don't have to if you don't want to. Don't worry it doesn't mean anything.

I'll answer any question.

You said you liked me, you loved me. Was that because I looked like Jun-sang?

No. You as Min-hyung ... and Jun-sang as Jun-sang ... I loved you both.

Thank you. I came to say good bye ... Congratulations. I'm sorry.


Scene-14: Second accident

Memo of Min-hyung attached to the CD【1/2】:
"Yoo-jin ... I'll probably be in the plane now. This present could be a burden to you ... But I couldn't just leave. I can't make a tape for you like Jun-sang ... but I wanted to give you this. I wish for your happiness."


I' never told anyone ... about the tape Jun-san gve me ... I've never said it.

Revoir: 【2/3】
Jun-sang ... Jun-sang ...You're Jun-sang, right? It is you. I'm sorry. Jun-sang, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't recognize you...

I can't believe I can actually see you. Jun sang ... Jun-sang ... Jun-sang

Yoo-jin. If you want to say something say it ... I don't remember anything but I'll listen.

Jun-sang ... I wished ... to call out your name like this ... I wanted to say yourname out loud every time I missed you. But I couldn't because you'd seem really dead if you didn't answer me when I call you. I really didn't want to believe that you were dead. That couldn't be .. you promised to see me ... you wouldn't break ... you promise.

I ... I did that?

You don't remember? We were suppose to meet ... you don't remember. You don't remember anything? Anything at all. I even gave you a mitten ... a pink mitten ... You were suppose to give it back to me on December 31st ... You don't remember, any of it? Anything? Then, you don't remember playing the piano for me? Cut class ... Ride bicycle ... Holding my hand. ... It's not your fault ... It's all Jun-sang's fault. You lost your memory ... It's all Jun-sang's fault. Forgetting all about me when he's still alive ... I haven't forgotten anything ... I remember everything ...

Note left by Min-hyung (Jun-sang)
"Yoo-jin ... How did I call you before? Yoo-jin ... Yoo-jin ... Yoo-jin ... But I can't remember anything. Kang Jun-sang, who you miss so much is me but not me at the same time. Without the memory we shared ... Jun-sang is just a meaningless name even if I'm Jun-sang. I'm sorry. I thank you for being part of my forgotten past. With all my heart ..."


Secnd car accident:【1/5】Cheareen> How did it happen? He got into an accidenwhile he was with you, right? Am I right?

...Yes ... He got hurt because of me.

Jun-sang had an accident on the way to meet you and now Minhyung? You are really something. Yoo-jin, you must be really happy? It would be better if Min-hyung gets his memory back as Jun-sang!

Yeah, I'm happy. ... That Jun-sang got hurt ... I'm so happy he got hurt trying to save me. How stupid ... I didn't even know that he was Jun-sang ... I didn't treat him well, I just hurt him, I'm so happy to have Jun-sang back even like this. Are you happy now that I said it? Are you?

Resolution of Intensive care:
Jun-sang ... I'm sorry that I got scared and cried like a fool. I'm sorry. I won't get scared anymore. I can do this. I won't let you go ever again. Like this ... I won't let go of your hand ... So don't you let go of my hand and come to me ... get it?

Display resolution to Mom:
When I think of Sang-hyuk ... it hurts and I feel so bad. But mom ... he is my destiny. I fell in love with a same person twice. And now he's in comma because of me. If something goes wrong ... I'd have killed him twice ... Now ... Nothing's on my mind, but saving his life. I don't care about other thing. I can't think of anything. He doesn't have to love me ... he doesn't have to remember anything. He just has to live. Mom ... you said it's all going to come back to me? I'm willing to take it ...


Thank you so much to KBS TV

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